Information about the new Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Update May 4, 2020
The Kanton of Aargau Department of Gesundheit und Soziales has recently provided guidelines for the re-opening of playgroups. On May 11, together with the mandatory schools, playgroups in the canton of Aargau are allowed to re open.
Therefore, we at Lieliputs have decided to start our programs again on
Monday, 11. May 2020.
It appears that children don’t play a large role in the spread of Covid-19. They’re rarely affected by the virus and play a minor role in infecting others. For the health of the children, social contact is essential.
Children with any of the symptoms below should not be sent to the playgroup:
· Cough, shortness of breath with or without a fever
· Sore throat or impaired sense of taste
· Fever or muscle ache
· PICK-UP/DROP-OFF: Please pick-up / drop-off your child outside of the playgroup
· DISTANCE: Observe distance rules, 2 meters between adults
· WAITING: Parents should wait in the car until pick-up and avoid group discussions
· ONLY: Five adults in a group at a time
· HYGIENE: All children will disinfect their hands upon entering and exiting
· SENSITIZE: Please sensitize your child to the new situation
For further information, please see the attached link:
Informationen für Kitas, Tagesfamilien und Tagesstrukturen
We’re looking forward to re-opening and to seeing you on 11 May!
Kind regards,.
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In accordance with the Swiss Federal Council’s latest guidelines regarding the slow process of reopening after the coronavirus lockdowns, Lieliputs plans to reopen on June 8th.
We plan to continue with playgroups, Phonics Fun, Reading and Writing classes as well as private lessons, group lessons and CODECRACKERS as before.
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Update March 31, 2020
I am offering to continue Private lessons (English or Spanish) via Zoom ; if you are interested, please contact me via phone 078 840 33 82, or Email to:
Thank you for your patronage and stay healthy.
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Update March 16, 2020
In light of the decision of the Swiss Federal Council regarding Covid-19, Lieliputs stands in solidarity with the decision to shut down classes, playgroups, private and group lessons until the 19th of April 2020.
Further updates will be posted here when available.
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March 14, 2020
Lieliputs is concerned with the new coronavirus and the Bundesrat’s decision to close all schools until 3 April. We are guided by the recommendations of the Federal Office of Public Health and the responsible cantonal departments. For us, the explanations regarding schools, day care centers and childcare facilities are particularly relevant.
Due to the small size of our classes and groups, we have decided to continue to offer our classes for now; however, we will take some additional measures to curb the spread of the virus to our school and children.
We will put greater emphasis on the conduct of hygiene. These are some of the measures in force at Lieliputs:
- Hand sanitizers will be used when entering the premises
- Greeting will be via the ‘Wuhan greeting’
- All toys that are ‘chewing favorites’ will be removed and locked away
This is an offer from Lieliputs for those parents who feel comfortable to continue sending their children to our playgroup. However, we leave it up to you to decide if you want to take up the offer and fully understand should you decide to take a break for now.
General hygiene instructions:
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water several times a day (at least 20 seconds).
- Cough or sneeze in the crook of the arm or, if available, in a tissue and dispose of it in a closed waste bin after use.
- Avoid shaking hands and avoid close contact with people with acute respiratory diseases.
- Stay at home if you have a fever or cough.
- If you have reasonable grounds to suspect that you or a family member has / is suffering from the coronavirus and you need medical help, you must first call a doctor or the medical hotline (0800 33 66 55). Always call before you go to a doctor's office or hospital.
- Take immune boosters (Vitamin C and Zink)
Further information can be found here:
- Bundesamt für Gesundheit: The most up-to-date information and the valid behavior recommendations can be found here:
- Bildungsdirektion Kanton Aargau: Regularly updated information for schools and other offers as well as information material for parents are available here.
- Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen SRF: Has a comprehensive information mandate and reports regularly and reliably on current developments.